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John R. Clark

Records related to my father, John Russell Clark, and his wife, Antoinette Evans Clark, and their five children as well as their 29 grandchildren.

The Kindex® system recognizes the following ā€œEā€ Dates in this Archive:
each 4th of July
each day
each morning
each night
each Sunday
each Sunday morning
each week
each week end
Earlier in the evening
earlier in the winter
earlier the next morning
early and late months of each school year
early Christmas morning
early days
early enough
early in the afternoon
early in the day
early March
early Monday morning
early spring
early summer
Early the next morning
early thet Christmas morning
early years
efter eight months
eight - second
eight a.m.
eight and one half years
eight months
eight months old
eight o'clock in the morning of the following day
eight years
eight years of age
eight years old
eighteen months
eighteen years
eighteen years old
eighty - fifth year
eighty - one years of age
Eighty - second
eighty - three years of age
end of 1874
end of 1893
end of January
end of the fifth year
end of the year
entire evening
entire summer
entire year
eve of April 24 , 1857
evening of 2 March
evening of the same day
every day
every morning
every night
every single day
every week