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John R. Clark

Records related to my father, John Russell Clark, and his wife, Antoinette Evans Clark, and their five children as well as their 29 grandchildren.

The Kindex® system recognizes the following “O” Dates in this Archive:
Oct 17
Oct. 1 , 1937
Oct. 10th
Oct. 11 , 1936
Oct. 16
Oct. 19
Oct. 19 , 1781
Oct. 1945
Oct. 21 , 1840
Oct. 29 , 1837
Oct. 4
October , 1655
October , 1855
October , 1886
October , 21 , 1937
October 1 , 1887
October 10 , 1861
October 11 , 1870
October 11 , 1886
October 13th the same year—1870
October 14 , 1856
October 15 , 1945,in
October 16 , 1852
October 18 , 1933
October 1872
October 1910
October 21 , 1840
October 21 , 1841
October 21 , 1905
October 22 , 1954
October 27 , d385.in
October 29 , 1837
October 29 , 1919
October 6 , 1878
October 6th , 1887
October 7 , 1872
October 9 , 1911
October of 1870
October of the same year
off hours
one - half a year
one - half hour
one - hundredth
one - week
one day
One Easter Sunday
one evening
one hour
one hundredth anniversary
one Monday morning
one month
one month early
One month later
one morning
One night
One Sunday
one Sunday afternoon
one week
one week later
one week prior
one year
one year before
One year old
only 18 years of age
only a few weeks
only fifteen years of age
only full year of school
only ten minutes
other hour
our first year
Our last day